Czech Republic´s : Rock for People...Festival destination # 1

Even though it seems that summer is far over, recording to summer festival program there is still a lot to offer. Another great summer full of festivals! This is really becoming destination number one within europeans countries. This summer we could see and hear some ot the best names in the music industry in many of the festival across the Czech Republic. 

One of them to definitely mention was Rock for People 2010. This festival is considered as the biggest and most popular outdoor event of the year 2010. With many stages playing various but mostly Rock music and with famous artist, it´s a must go festival. This year was held again, after succesful previous years, in town called Hradec Kralove, not far from Prague. People from all over could hear loud music, in this open air festival, duration of four days. Just see the names for your self: Tricky, Skunk Anansie, Prodigy, Dreadzone, Suicidal Tendencies, NOFX, Morcheeba just a few to choose from. Ofcourse there were so many locals bands playing to. Just some to mention out of many were: Skyline, Horkyze Slize, Visaci Zamek, Kurtizany z 25.Avenue, Wohnout, Plexis, Divokej Bill, Cechomor and many many more, making every sigle day of this great open air event so special by giving people various bands to choose from on each day.

You could buy tickets for 1900 KC which is about 73 Euros, but concidering how much music one could hear and in fact that this price included full four-day access, it was still very good deal. Already now I am so sure and won´t be just speaking for myself but for all who are plannig to attend next year too, that we all cant wait for the 16th year of Rock for People next year in 2011. 
For more details on Rock for People and some cool videos click here.


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